Someday in the future, if you live long enough, you will be sitting there on your couch watching a big screen, binge watching a crime thriller and and the bad guy will jump into a self-driving car and tell it to go God knows where and the good guy will jump into another self-driving car and tell it to “Follow that car!”; but his car does not know that kind of command; but the good guy is a tekkie and works his magic on his iphone 2029 and his self-driving car takes a short-cut to God knows  where and the good guy is waiting for the bad guy by the time he gets there…and when you see this you will remember where you first read about it.


Studies show: Sleeping under the stars improves the quality & length of sleep.

A) How do you get the chance to do that?  Who gets to sleep outside anymore?

B) It’s scary out there. Isn’t it?

C) How do you get to do these studies? Do you get paid?


I read where today, for the first time, more people die from eating too much than from eating too little, more die from old age than from disease, more people die from suicide than from soldiers, terrorists and criminals combined…so, I guess we are making progress after-all.

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